Extract strings from javascript in html file

Issue #438 new
Former user created an issue

Original issue 438 created by chriscollingto... on 2015-01-29T08:24:04.000Z:

What steps will reproduce the problem?
Extract javascript from an HTML file using the okf_html filter extracts the code block rather than just the text

function insertDialByVoicemailByText(element)
trace.begin("insertDialByVoicemailByText", element);

var allowedActions = [];
var textString = "";

if (classOfService.get("AaDialByExtensionAllowed._"))
allowedActions.push("Dial by Extension");
if (classOfService.get("AaDialByNameAllowed._"))
allowedActions.push("Dial by Name");
if (classOfService.get("AaMailboxByExtensionAllowed._"))
allowedActions.push("Voicemail by Extension");
if (classOfService.get("AaMailboxByNameAllowed._"))
allowedActions.push("Voicemail by Name");
if (classOfService.get("AaSelfcareByExtensionAllowed._"))
allowedActions.push("Selfcare by Extension");

This should extract "Selfcare by Extension" etc. Suggestion by Jim to modify the filter
ruleTypes: [INCLUDE]

This resulted in the entire function being output to xliff.

Jim suggested raising it as an issue as he thinks it should be relatively simple to manage

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