HTML ITS code get escaped in script on round-trip

Issue #468 new
YvesS created an issue

When merging it back an HTML file with ITS code in script, we replace the < with < and then the extraction fails on the next run (in the integration tests).

For example we get this code back:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"><head>
<meta charset="windows-1252">
<title>Standoff data</title>
<script id="lqi3" type="application/its+xml">
&lt;its:locQualityIssues xml:id='lqi3' xmlns:its='' its:version='2.0'>
&lt;its:locQualityIssue locQualityIssueComment='lqi3-comment1'/>
&lt;its:locQualityIssue locQualityIssueComment='lqi3-comment2'/>

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