InDesign / IDML: Option "Create new text units on hard returns" not working

Issue #471 resolved
Sebastian Ebert created an issue

I know this function is still in BETA, but it's very useful. The reason is that without this option segmentation oftenly results in large segments with many inline tags that are difficult to handle in translation.

I have a sample document where the merging process fails. This might help fixing this function.

However I would not like to put the file on the public bugtracker. Do you have a private email adress where I can send the file to?

Using Rainbow 6.0.27

Comments (4)

  1. Chase Tingley

    Hi Sebastian,

    Is it possible you can open the file in InDesign and sanitize it by stripping out the content that's not related to the newline structure? If not, you can try sending it to me ( We'll need to reduce this to a safe testcase that we can commit to the repository in order to create a unittest for this.

  2. Sebastian Ebert reporter

    Please find attached 2 OmegaT project as well as the Rainbow project.

    One OmegaT project works fine when doing the post processing in Rainbow. The other one does not. The only difference was that I selected "create new text unit on hard returns". The IDML file has more or less been stripped down to the parts affected.

    The error message is the following: === Start process Input: /C:/Users/sebert/Desktop/Bug IDML/OmegaT_5-1505-6176_de-fr/manifest.rkm Merging: 40 Quelle Übersetzung czl clean/idml_which_produces_bug.idml ERROR: Error when parsing XML of text unit id='u43d-14'. Elementtyp "r" muss mit dem entsprechenden Endtag "</r>" beendet werden. ERROR: Error when parsing XML of text unit id='u43d-23'. Elementtyp "r" muss mit dem entsprechenden Endtag "</r>" beendet werden. ERROR: Error when parsing XML of text unit id='u43d-29'. Elementtyp "r" muss mit dem entsprechenden Endtag "</r>" beendet werden. ERROR: Error when parsing XML of text unit id='u43d-33'. Elementtyp "r" muss mit dem entsprechenden Endtag "</r>" beendet werden. ERROR: Error when parsing XML of text unit id='u43d-34'. Elementtyp "r" muss mit dem entsprechenden Endtag "</r>" beendet werden.

    Error count: 5, Warning count: 0 Process duration: 0h 0m 1s 204ms === End process

    I'm sure you are familiar with OmegaT. If not: - The IDML source file is located in the "original" folder - The xliff produced by Rainbow is located in the "source" folder - The xliff target after having done the translation in OmegaT is located in the "target" folder

    I hope this helps.

  3. Sebastian Ebert reporter

    Please let me know if you need other sample files. There might be more files on my harddisk, I would have to look for it.

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