OmegaT plugin drops header attribute in XLIFF files

Issue #483 open
dg333 created an issue

Using the latest snapshot of OmegaT plugin [1] with OmegaT 3.5.01 / Java 8 on Windows 7 and openSUSE Linux 13.2. Sometimes, I need to translate XLIFF files that have an attribute in the XML header of standalone="no". However, in created translation files this attribute is dropped. This problem was steadily reproduced with many XLIFF files. Attached is a simple test case project for OmegaT: just load and create translation document.

[1] from

Comments (2)

  1. ysavourel
    • changed status to open

    The issue has been verified. The problem comes from the XLIFF Filter, when re-creating the start document code.

    The XML default is yes, so loosing that value is not important, but we should preserve the standalone='no' case.

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