Checkmate ”Blacklist” function does not work for Chinese

Issue #494 resolved
Cecilia Xu created an issue

I tried using the "Blacklist" function for ZH, but Checkmate is not recognizing any of the ZH characters (UTF-8) on the blacklist. None of the items on the blacklist are flagged as an error. Does the blacklist function support ZH?

Comments (5)

  1. Fredrik L

    The original blacklist function assumed space before and after the terms. However, there was an update a while back that allows searching in substrings which should work for Chinese. Looks like that change didn't make it into the v.27 release but you could try the snapshot version until v.28 is released:

    Make sure to check box for flagging substrings.

  2. ysavourel

    This issue seem to be related or identical to issue #442 (”Blacklist” function does not work for Japanese).

    Fredrik: Did we resolve issue 442? It says there is an option in a snapshot, but the issue is still open.

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