ICML filter: Opening angled bracket in opening CDATA tag must not be converted to XML entity

Issue #527 resolved
Martn Wunderl created an issue

When trying to generate an XLIFF 2.0 file from the attached ICML using the Okapi ICML filter, the resulting XLIFF file is not a valid XML file. The XML parser will throw an error similar to:

"The character sequence "]]>" must not appear in content unless used to mark the end of a CDATA section."

The root cause seems to be that the opening angled bracket in an opening CDATA tag gets converted to an XML entity. So, in the ICML you have "<![CDATA[..." and in the resulting XLIFF you get "<![CDATA[...". Therefore, the closing CDATA tags are not associated with an opening CDATA tag anymore and the XLIFF is not valid XML.

Comments (5)

  1. Chase Tingley

    Strangely, using M30, the XLIFF 1.2 it produces seems ok. ie, the output of this command is valid XML:

    tikal.sh -fc okf_icml -x 278802.icml

    Is there a filter option or something that would make it extract different content for you, or is this really somehow tied to the XLIFF 2.0 serialization?

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