IDML Merge not working

Issue #544 resolved
Lav Gupta created an issue

When I merge the IDML document using Tikal -m command, the resultant document has additional new translation units.

Steps to repro:

1) Extract XLIFF file using -x command with given filter configuration.

    java -jar tikal.jar -x file.idml -fc okf_idml@test.fprm

2) Merge the generated XLIFF using -m command

    java -jar tikal.jar -m file.idml.xlf -fc okf_idml@test.fprm

3) Extract XLIFF file from the output generated in step 2.

    java -jar tikal.jar -x file.out.idml -fc okf_idml@test.fprm

Actual Result:

When you compare XLIFF generated in step 1 and step 3, there are few new translation units.


Translation units in XLIFF files in step 1 and step 3 should be identical.

Attached Files

  • Sample IDML file.
  • Configuration files for IDML filter
  • Generated XLIFF Files
  • Image showing the difference

Comments (4)

  1. Chase Tingley

    I can reproduce (M30). I want to note that the new TUs the second time around are duplicates of TUs that were already present in the XLIFF that was extracted the first time. So it does look like this content was merged incorrectly and created duplicated content in the target file.

    This can be confirmed by comparing the source and target files. The additional content has been inserted in Stories/Story_u21f.xml.

  2. ysavourel

    I have not tried the files, but looking at the configuration it has newTuOnBr.b=true, so the merge problem may be related to that option which is not really properly implemented.

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