I can't run CheckMate

Issue #583 closed
Former user created an issue

I downloaded the okapi-apps_win32x86_64_0.32.zip. I extracted checkme.exe and I double-clic and nothing, nothing opens.

Help, please!

Comments (12)

  1. ysavourel

    The CheckMate.exe in the M32 distribution seems to work for me.

    It may be an issue with you Java setup. Try to see which version of Java you have installed. Go to a DOS prompt and do java -version. It should be version 1.7 or higher and it should be for 64-bit since you have downloaded the 64-bit version of Okapi tools.

  2. ysavourel

    Depending on your setup and Windows version and installation there are many things that could cause your starting error. It's hard to guess what the issue is.

    Depending on your setup and Windows version and installation there are many things that could cause your starting error. It's hard to guess what the issue is.

    What you can do is try to see if it's a Java issue or a problem with the .exe in your system.

    To run CheckMate without the .exe you can open a DOS prompt, go to the folder where CheckMate.exe is, there you will see a lib sub-folder: go in there and type:

    java -jar checkmate.jar

    That should start CheckMate

    If that works, then maybe you can make a .bat file that runs that command and start CheckMate without using the .exe file.


  3. Maria Rincon

    Thank you Yves, I don't know what I did but it's working now.

    Taking advantage of your kidness, do you know how does it work?, how can I see the matches and errors using Omegat?


  4. ApprenticeTranslator

    Hello YvesS, you seem to be the go-to man for a checkmate problem.

    I downloaded “okapi-apps_win32-x86_64_1.39.0.zip” from bintray.com. Unzipped and tried to run checkmate. It returns a “requires a Java Runtime Environment 1.8” error. I have Java Version 8 Update 241 installed on my PC. The latter is an Acer Swift portable running Windows 10 Home Version 1909 for x64-based systems.

    I get an answer when I run the “java -version” command.

    Do you hae any ideas ?

  5. ysavourel

    Maybe you have several versions of Java installed and it picks the wrong ones.
    You could try to by-pass the .exe file and run it directly with a Java command line.

    For example from the folder where the checkmate.exe is located you could open a DOS prompt and do:

    java -cp lib\* net.sf.okapi.applications.checkmate.Main

  6. ApprenticeTranslator

    Thanks YvesS.

    I get an error message: Cannot load 64-bit SWT libraries on 32-bit JVM.

  7. ysavourel

    Looks like your Java installation is for 32-bit. You can either: update/change your Java installation to run the 64-bit runtime, or replace your Okapi installation by the 32-bit version.

  8. ApprenticeTranslator

    Hello Yves.

    OK, I got rid of Oracle’s Java (as I don’t have a licence) and installed OpenJDK. I ran your java command and, hey presto, CheckMate is up and running.
    Thank you for your time.

    Stay safe!

  9. ApprenticeTranslator

    To run CheckMate, I followed your logic and created a “checkmate.bat” file in the sub directory where the checkmate.exe is located. I used the 2 line syntax below, where “D:\Downloads\Java\jdk-14\bin” is the path of the java.exe file (I unzipped OpenJDK on my D drive).

    path D:\Downloads\Java\jdk-14\bin
    java -cp lib* net.sf.okapi.applications.checkmate.Main

    I just click on “checkmate.bat” to launch from Windows.

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