The Code constructors are inconsistent in what they produce

Issue #739 closed
Mihai Nita created an issue

Add the following code to okapi/core/src/test/java/net/sf/okapi/common/resource/

    static String quoteString(String text) {
        if (text == null)
            return "null";
        return "\"" + text + "\""; // Quick and dirty, normally would need escaping

    static void dumpCode(Code c, String description) {
        StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

        result.append(String.format(" id:%d", c.getId()));
        result.append(String.format(" originalId:%s", quoteString(c.originalId)));
        result.append(String.format(" data:%s", quoteString( == null ? "NULL" :;
        result.append(String.format(" displayText:%s", quoteString(c.displayText)));
        result.append(String.format(" flag:%d", c.flag));
        result.append(String.format(" mergedData:%s", quoteString(c.mergedData)));
        result.append(String.format(" outerData:%s", quoteString(c.outerData == null ? "NULL" : c.outerData.toString())));
        result.append(String.format(" tagType:%s", c.tagType));
        result.append(String.format(" type:%s", quoteString(c.type)));
        result.append(" }");
        result.append(" // " + description);


    public void testConstructors() {
        dumpCode(new Code(), "new Code()");
        dumpCode(new Code("type"), "new Code('type')");
        dumpCode(new Code(TagType.PLACEHOLDER, "type"), "new Code(PLACEHOLDER, 'type')");
        dumpCode(new Code(TagType.PLACEHOLDER, "type", "data"), "new Code(PLACEHOLDER, 'type', 'data')");

        Code code;
        String textWithXRef = "With with [#$ ref marker";

        code = new Code(TagType.PLACEHOLDER, "type", textWithXRef);
        dumpCode(code, "new Code(PLACEHOLDER, 'type', textWithXRef)");

        code = new Code(TagType.PLACEHOLDER, "type");
        dumpCode(code, "new Code(PLACEHOLDER, 'type') + code.setData(textWithXRef)");

The results are

{ id:0 originalId:null data:"" displayText:null flag:0 mergedData:null outerData:"" tagType:null type:null } // new Code()
{ id:-1 originalId:null data:"" displayText:null flag:0 mergedData:null outerData:"NULL" tagType:null type:"type" } // new Code('type')
{ id:-1 originalId:null data:"" displayText:null flag:0 mergedData:null outerData:"NULL" tagType:PLACEHOLDER type:"type" } // new Code(PLACEHOLDER, 'type')
{ id:-1 originalId:null data:"data" displayText:null flag:0 mergedData:null outerData:"NULL" tagType:PLACEHOLDER type:"type" } // new Code(PLACEHOLDER, 'type', 'data')
{ id:-1 originalId:null data:"With with [#$ ref marker" displayText:null flag:0 mergedData:null outerData:"NULL" tagType:PLACEHOLDER type:"type" } // new Code(PLACEHOLDER, 'type', textWithXRef)
{ id:-1 originalId:null data:"With with [#$ ref marker" displayText:null flag:1 mergedData:null outerData:"NULL" tagType:PLACEHOLDER type:"type" } // new Code(PLACEHOLDER, 'type') + code.setData(textWithXRef)


  • When using new Code() the id is 0, for all the other constructors is -1
  • When calling the new Code(tagType, type, data) constructor the flag is not set if the text contains cross-reference. So the flags can be different between new Code(tagType, type, data) and code = new Code(tagType, type); code.setData(data);.

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