Markdown: paragraph after a list inside the quoted block causes insertion of an extra newline when merging

Issue #747 new
Kuro Kurosaka created an issue

When a block quote includes a list and a paragraph after the list, merged text lacks the block quote marker (">"). For example, if the input file (attached) looks like this:

> This is a quoted
> paragraph.
> 1. Here is a numbered list.
> 1. List item #2.
> Here is another
> paragraph following the
> list.

and if we run: -x -m

then the resulting file,, looks like this:

> This is a quoted
> paragraph.
> 1. Here is a numbered list.
> 1. List item #2.
Here is another
> paragraph following the
> list.

Notice, there is an extra newline between ">" and "Here is another". -m leaves an error message that reads:

Error: Something's not right in block quote. The content=
 NOT matched with processingBlockQuoteText=Here is another

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