Okapi maven repository stop working

Issue #771 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi. We are using Okapi framework and today the CI/CD job failed when tries to fetch the Okapi lib from maven repository, release and snapshot are not available.


is there any new changes on the repository or did it move to some other place.


Comments (9)

  1. Gabriele De Carli

    Hi guys, any news on the deploy on central of the previous version of okapi ?


    <artifactId>okapi-lib-tkit</artifactId> <groupId>net.sf.okapi.lib</groupId> <version>36</version>

    don't exist on maven central, what happen? is it decommissioned? is it published with another artifact-id? didn't find anything in the changelogs

  2. ysavourel

    Indeed, it looks like we completely forgot to include that change in the change log. That change was done over many weeks between m35 and m36 and we somehow managed to miss including it in the change log. That library was used with the JSON skeleton which was not working anymore since a while and was not not maintained any more. The few parts still in use have been moved to other package. I'll try to get more info on this.

    As for m35: yes, it's not in Maven central and the previous repositories have been removed by CloudBees. Re-publishing m35 in Maven is quite complicated and we have no plan to do that so far. Some of today's conference call (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/okapi-devel/jaYebv-aqEU) was about this, and we are still thinking about how to provide m35.

  3. Gabriele De Carli

    Thanks for the info, I've to find a workaround on this our build process is heavily effected by the removal of the old repository, correct me if I'm wrong but for what I'm understanding the 0.35 libs will not be put back online, is it correct?

  4. ysavourel

    No progress so far. We were a bit blindsided by the fact CloudBees dropped also support for the existing repositories.

    One solution is to rebuild the m35 code on your machine. The branch is here: https://bitbucket.org/okapiframework/okapi/commits/tag/m35 But that's not really a good solution making 0.35 available to all, or even an internal group of developers.

    There maybe a way to have at least a "poor man" repository on GitHub: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14013644/hosting-a-maven-repository-on-github We'll have to look at this.

  5. ysavourel

    Mihai, worked some magic and managed to publish 0.35 on Maven Central. So you should be able to just remove the <repository> entry referring to CloudBees from your POM file and things should go back to normal.

    Ideally you probably want to try to move to 0.36 as 0.35 is the last version with Java 7 support.

  6. Gabriele De Carli

    Kudos to Mihai, yes we are moving to 0.36 but having the 0.35 will allow us to run our build pipeline to publish hot fixes while doing the upgrade.

    Thx for the support and happy new year btw.

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