Limit check based on the segment SDLXLIFF status

Issue #796 new
ysavourel created an issue

We should be able to perform or not any of the segment-level check based on the SDLXLIFF segment-level information. For example Perfect match, Context Match or 100% may not need to be checked because they are out-of-scope for the given translation job.

There are several segment-level SDLXLIFF properties:

  • sdl_conf
  • sdl_origin
  • sdl_locked
  • sdl_origin_system (e.g. "Perfect Match")
  • sdl_percent

It may be useful to have a general method (something like shouldCheck()) that takes the target segment and return a true/false value based on the scope defined by the parameters and the properties (or lack thereof) found for that segment. Then it would be easy to apply the condition for each check.

Do we want to allow different scope depending on the type of check?

Initially I would see the following options:

  • check or not Perfect-Matches
  • check or not Content-Matches
  • check or not 100% matches
  • check or not other matches

and the additional option: Do not check locked segments (regardless of it's type)

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