OpenXML Filter: reverse exposition of the nested content

Issue #798 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

Currently, we are extracting the nested blocks before their parent ones. However, it leads to questionable situations from time to time when words are not appearing in the expected order.

If we consider the following UIs with floating and inline text boxes,

when the 1st paragraph is selected: w2010-3-paragraphs-and-6-textboxes-1st-paragraph-selected.png

when the 2nd paragraph selected: w2010-3-paragraphs-and-6-textboxes-2nd-paragraph-selected.png

when the 3rd paragraph selected: w2010-3-paragraphs-and-6-textboxes-3rd-paragraph-selected.png

we might want to properly organise all segments in the following order:

  • Textbox 5.
  • Textbox 4.
  • Textbox 6.
  • Paragraph 1.
  • Textbox 3.
  • Paragraph 2.
  • Textbox 2.
  • Textbox 1.
  • Paragraph 3.

That would require complex surgery on the code but, luckily, a lighter variant of reverse exposition is also available (when the nested content goes after the parent):

  • Paragraph 1.
  • Textbox 6.
  • Textbox 5.
  • Textbox 4.
  • Textbox 3.
  • Paragraph 2.
  • Textbox 2.
  • Textbox 1.
  • Paragraph 3.

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