Inconsistent EOL markers in .java files

Issue #804 new
Kuro Kurosaka created an issue

The .java files found in okapi don't have consistent end-of-line markers. About 90% of the files uses Unix/Linux/MacOS style LF while 10% use DOS-style CRLF.

~/src/okapi$ find . -name '.java'|wc -l 2066 ~/src/okapi$ find . -name '.java'|xargs file|grep CRLF|wc -l 221

We might want to use the LF EOL consistently for .java files. Windows users can configure git to use core.autocrlf=true.

Comments (2)

  1. Chase Tingley

    IIRC, setting core.autocrlf=true causes problems for tests, because some of the test files have inconsistent line endings on purpose.

  2. Kuro Kurosaka reporter

    There was a discussion on this and I thought we decided to use the .gitattributes file to list the files that need to keep the intended EOLs.

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