All xliff writers should check for XLIFFNoteAnnotation...

Issue #806 new
Jim Hargrave created an issue

Some time back we added a new annotation to give us better control over how notes are represented. However not all writers check for this annotation. In particular the Rainbow xliff 1.2 writer.

Comments (5)

  1. Kuro Kurosaka

    The XLIFF2 writer should be able to handle notes. The note support was added in issue #751. Has the section of code been removed since then?

  2. Chase Tingley

    I’m not sure this is a real issue. Kuro added support to net.sf.okapi.common.filterwriter.XLIFFWriter, and the rainbow xliff 1.2 kit writer uses that class internally. I did not test, but the code looks like it should be there.

  3. Jim Hargrave (OLD)

    Hey @Kuro Kurosaka !

    There was a major refactoring to the xliff2 filter last year since your pull request was merged. Okp2X2Converter is no longer used (needs to be removed). But the new code (NotesMapper) should be working. XLIFFWriter has the code to detect and write the annotation.

    I don’t remember now the details of this issue unfortunately. As Chase said it may be a non-issue now - I’m ok to remove this.

  4. Alessandro Falappa

    @Jim Hargrave, Okp2X2Converter.convertNotesFromXliff12ToXliff2 seems to be still used in a couple of places of net.sf.okapi.steps.rainbowkit.xliff.XLIFF2PackageWriter

  5. Jim Hargrave (OLD)

    @ysavourel @Alessandro Falappa Rainbow has diverged over the years as the main library has changed. We need to make changes to Rainbow to catch up with the changes in the rest of the framework. Many of us mostly use the library in our systems and often forget Rainbow 😞

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