error message from MarkdownWriterTest.testRoundTripWithHeadersCustomConfiguration

Issue #815 open
Clement Mouchet created an issue

From: Kuro Kurosaka

Subject: error message from MarkdownWriterTest.testRoundTripWithHeadersCustomConfiguration

Date: 23 April 2019 at 03:08:21 BST


Clement, I'm working on MarkdownFilter and I noticed this ERROR level message is shown when running MarkdownWriterTest:

[main] ERROR net.sf.okapi.common.filters.FilterConfigurationMapper - Cannot find filter configuration 'okf_markdown'

The test itself passes.

I believe this test case was added by you. Is it known? Should I be concerned? Do you want me to file a bug?

-- T. Kuro Kurosaka, Software Engineer, Spartan Software Inc. Grow your Business Globally

Comments (5)

  1. Clément Mouchet

    Hi @ssikuro, thanks for spotting that, I've updated the test and pushed this to the dev branch.

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