Standardize HTML/XML encoders/decoders and remove hand-crafted HTML/XML encoding/decoding code

Issue #818 new
Kuro Kurosaka created an issue

okapi/core/src/main/java/net/sf/okapi/common/encode/, okapi/core/src/main/java/net/sf/okapi/common/encoder/ and probably more include the encoders and decoders to convert the XML and/or HTML entities and characters. But since there are the standard encoding/decoding, there are open source solutions for this, including Apache Commons Text (StringEscapeUtil package) and’s library. We should pick a library and use it, rather than having our own implementations that could get outdated.

The subfiltering step (a new step in the pending pull request #300) uses both and Apache Commons Text. They should be modified to use the one that is selected.

Comments (1)

  1. Kuro Kurosaka reporter

    okapi/core/src/main/java/net/sf/okapi/common/encode/, okapi/core/src/main/java/net/sf/okapi/common/encoder/ and probably more include the encoders and decoders to convert the XML and/or HTML entities and characters. But since there are the standard encoding/decoding, there are open source solutions for this, including Apache Commons Text (StringEscapeUtil package) and’s library. We should pick a library and use it, rather than having our own implementations that could get outdated.

    The subfiltering step (a new step in the pending pull request #300) uses both and Apache Commons Text. They should be modified to use the one that is selected.

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