Errormessage when I start Rainbow

Issue #819 invalid
Former user created an issue

Dear all,

when I start Rainbow I get the folow errormessage:

The object reference was not set to an object instance (german: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt). Can you help me please to start the application?

I use Windows 10.

Thank you in advance!


Comments (2)

  1. Mihai Nita

    It does not seems to be Okapi related, although it is weird that you see it when trying to run Rainbow.

    I will throw some ideas out there, maybe we figure out something…

    See here:

    Seems to be related to SDL Studio.
    Is it possible that SDL Studio was running, and the error just happened in the same time with Rainbow?

    Or .NET.

    And was the error in a message box, or in some kind of console?

    Running other GUI Okapi applications works? (for example Checkmate, or Ratel)?

    Can you please try running Rainbow from command line, but by double-clicking? Any stack trace in the console?

    Does tikal work (running from command line)

    Can you please provide some info on the JDK version?

    Thank you,

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