TMX writer crashing if content contains PUA characters used for inline codes (U+E110-U+F8FF)

Issue #841 new
Jim Hargrave (OLD) created an issue

Not sure why this customer is using these particular PUA’s - but writing the content will cause a crash. Reproduce by simply filtering as TMX and rewriting the events.

Comments (3)

  1. Jim Hargrave (OLD) reporter

    The PUA’s chars overlap with our inline code markers. Has me wondering if these segments came from a database with segments stored as TextFragments. In any case it does bring up the question of what we do if these PUA’s are used for some other reason.

  2. ysavourel

    Yes, that’s a good question. One that we so far had not to answer in the past 10+ years. I suppose some kind of pre-processing/post-processing and escaping could be a solution.

  3. Chase Tingley

    A lot of things will potentially break if we import content that overlaps with our PUA range :/

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