OpenXML Filter: consider table rows for insertion or deletion if a specific revision is present

Issue #848 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

Table rows are not deleted if such a change is specified, i.e.:

      <w:tr w:rsidR="00EA23D0" w:rsidDel="00EA23D0" w:rsidTr="00EA23D0">
          <w:del w:id="28" w:author="User" w:date="2019-07-25T19:25:00Z"/>

Additionally, the table row insertion revision is not handled as well:

      <w:tr w:rsidR="001C7189" w:rsidTr="00A95F1B">
          <w:ins w:id="16" w:author="User" w:date="2019-07-25T20:14:00Z"/>

These all bring up the situations when the inserted and deleted rows, e.g.:

remain after filtering:

The expected output should look like that:

For more details please refer to the attached documents.

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