BUILD FAILURE: cannot find symbol EmptyStyleDefinitions

Issue #873 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

For more information please refer to this job

Comments (5)

  1. Denis Konovalyenko reporter

    Most probably, this can be an explanation:

    okapi/filters/openxml/src/main/java/net/sf/okapi/filters/openxml/ { → } (59% similar) Renamed

    (It has been taken from here).

  2. Denis Konovalyenko reporter

    The EmptyStyleDefintions class was moved to StyleDefinitions.Empty, however there was another parallel commitment in the scope of the pull request #342, which was not taken into account.

    Action item to take away: not to forget to rebase against the latest dev branch when more than 1 addressing commit has been pushed to a topic branch.

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