XLIFF Filter: an alt-trans level note is exposed as a trans-unit level one

Issue #876 new
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

Below is an original snippet:

        <trans-unit id="654022">
          <source>The automatic clean up operation for log only copy '<ph id="ph_Placeholder_1" equiv-text="{0}" />\<ph id="ph_Placeholder_2" equiv-text="{1}" />' will not be run because the database has insufficient redundancy. Actual : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_3" equiv-text="{2}" />, Expected : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_4" equiv-text="{3}" /></source>
          <target state="needs-review-translation" />
          <alt-trans match-quality="10">
            <source>The automatic clean up operation for log only copy '<ph id="ph_Placeholder_1" equiv-text="{0}" />\<ph id="ph_Placeholder_2" equiv-text="{1}" />' will not be run because the database has insufficient redundancy. Actual : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_3" equiv-text="{2}" />, Expected : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_4" equiv-text="{3}" /></source>
            <target>Automático limpar operação log de somente copiar '<ph id="ph_Placeholder_1" equiv-text="{0}" />\<ph id="ph_Placeholder_2" equiv-text="{1}" />' não será executada porque o banco de dados possui redundância suficiente. Real: <ph id="ph_Placeholder_3" equiv-text="{2}" />, valor esperado: <ph id="ph_Placeholder_4" equiv-text="{3}" /></target>
            <context-group name="InternalAlt">
              <context context-type="x-Alt">1</context>
            <note>alt trans note 1</note>
          <context-group name="Internal1">
            <context context-type="x-ResourceIdentity">654022</context>
            <context context-type="x-SourceRevision">1</context>
          <note>trans unit note 1</note>

And this is how it is exposed after extraction:

<trans-unit id="654022">
<source xml:lang="en">The automatic clean up operation for log only copy '<x id="226377278"/>\<x id="226377279"/>' will not be run because the database has insufficient redundancy. Actual : <x id="226377280"/>, Expected : <x id="226377281"/></source>
<target xml:lang="pt-BR">The automatic clean up operation for log only copy '<x id="226377278"/>\<x id="226377279"/>' will not be run because the database has insufficient redundancy. Actual : <x id="226377280"/>, Expected : <x id="226377281"/></target>
<alt-trans match-quality="10" origin="SourceDoc" okp:matchType="FUZZY"><source xml:lang="en">The automatic clean up operation for log only copy '<x id="226377278"/>\<x id="226377279"/>' will not be run because the database has insufficient redundancy. Actual : <x id="226377280"/>, Expected : <x id="226377281"/></source>
<target xml:lang="pt-BR">Automático limpar operação log de somente copiar '<x id="226377278"/>\<x id="226377279"/>' não será executada porque o banco de dados possui redundância suficiente. Real: <x id="226377280"/>, valor esperado: <x id="226377281"/></target>
<note>alt trans note 1</note>
<note>trans unit note 1</note>

And merged back:

        <trans-unit id="654022">
          <source>The automatic clean up operation for log only copy '<ph id="ph_Placeholder_1" equiv-text="{0}"/>\<ph id="ph_Placeholder_2" equiv-text="{1}"/>' will not be run because the database has insufficient redundancy. Actual : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_3" equiv-text="{2}"/>, Expected : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_4" equiv-text="{3}"/></source>
          <target state="needs-review-translation">The automatic clean up operation for log only copy '<ph id="ph_Placeholder_1" equiv-text="{0}"/>\<ph id="ph_Placeholder_2" equiv-text="{1}"/>' will not be run because the database has insufficient redundancy. Actual : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_3" equiv-text="{2}"/>, Expected : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_4" equiv-text="{3}"/></target>
          <note>alt trans note 1</note><note>trans unit note 1</note><alt-trans match-quality="10">
            <source>The automatic clean up operation for log only copy '<ph id="ph_Placeholder_1" equiv-text="{0}"></ph>\<ph id="ph_Placeholder_2" equiv-text="{1}"></ph>' will not be run because the database has insufficient redundancy. Actual : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_3" equiv-text="{2}"></ph>, Expected : <ph id="ph_Placeholder_4" equiv-text="{3}"></ph></source>
            <target>Automático limpar operação log de somente copiar '<ph id="ph_Placeholder_1" equiv-text="{0}"></ph>\<ph id="ph_Placeholder_2" equiv-text="{1}"></ph>' não será executada porque o banco de dados possui redundância suficiente. Real: <ph id="ph_Placeholder_3" equiv-text="{2}"></ph>, valor esperado: <ph id="ph_Placeholder_4" equiv-text="{3}"></ph></target>
            <context-group name="InternalAlt">
              <context context-type="x-Alt">1</context>

          <context-group name="Internal1">
            <context context-type="x-ResourceIdentity">654022</context>
            <context context-type="x-SourceRevision">1</context>


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