xliff2 filter looses preserve whitespace information...

Issue #939 resolved
Jim Hargrave (OLD) created an issue

Converting xliff2 Unit objects to Okapi TextUnit objects looses preserve whitespace. Subsequent merge with the generated xliff generates a target document with lost whitespace.

Comments (5)

  1. Jim Hargrave (OLD) reporter
    • changed status to open

    Found cases with ignorable's not being handled. Added preserve whitespace info to TextPart to handle this case and not to default all xliff2 segments to preserve/not preserve based on the single parent TextUnit setting. xliff2 filter should account for all TextPart's both segment and non-segment.

    One of the issues whas that our integration tests merge didn’t preserve whitespace by default in the xliff. This should be done and I add the option to RoundTripUtls.merge. Probably need to update many golden files.

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