breaking changes done when rewritting a file in table filter

Issue #96 resolved
Former user created an issue

Original [issue 96]( created by @ysavourel on 2009-07-22T10:30:22.000Z:

In the attached file, several changes, some breaking, are introduced when rewriting the file: - the comma separator between the second and third fields gets deleted - an extra line break is added after the header - the first column gets two opening/closing quotes instead of one

Source,Target,Data "Source text 1","Target text 1",third column data1 "Source text 2","Target text 2",third column data2



""Target text 1"","Target text 1"third column data1 ""Target text 2"","Target text 2"third column data2

Comments (6)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Comment [3.]( originally posted by @ysavourel on 2009-08-29T17:45:39.000Z:

    With the attached files, I found two issues:

    a) the target is re-written over the source. b) the target loses its delimiters and a comma.

    from this:

    Source,Target,Data "Source text 1","Target text 1",third column data1 "Source text 2","Target text 2",third column data2

    I get this: Source,Target,Data "[Tårgèt tèxt 1]",Target text 1third column data1 "[Tårgèt tèxt 2]",Target text 2third column data2

    While I would expect this: Source,Target,Data "Source text 1","[Tårgèt tèxt 1],third column data1 "Source text 2","[Tårgèt tèxt 2]",third column data2

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