MicrosoftMTConnector - make retry/timeout values configurable

Issue #960 new
EMC Translations created an issue

The error "Could not retrieve results from Microsoft MT after 5 attempts." happens approximately 20 times out of 1000 submissions

We’ve noticed that class has some hardcoded settings:

private static final int RETRIES = 5; // number of times to try to get a response from Microsoft before failing
private static final int SLEEPPAUSE = 300; // DWH 5-3-2012 how long to wait before trying
static final int CONNECTION_TIMEOUT = 20 * 1000;

Would changing these settings reduce the number of failures because of connection interruption to MS Translator API?

Say, make RETRIES=10, or SLEEPPAUSE =1000?

If yes, could these settings be configurable?

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