MIF Filter: consequential Strings in XRefs must be merged with hard return symbols or left as they are

Issue #991 resolved
Denis Konovalyenko created an issue

All consequential String statements in ParaLine are merged into a single String. However, ParaLine > XRef > String statements are rendered differently - as if there were hard returns between them:

And below is one of corresponding ParaLine > XRef parts:

    <XRefName `Heading & Page'>
    <XRefSrcText `81299: Body: Para 2.'>
    <XRefSrcIsElem No>
    <XRefSrcFile `'>
    <XRefLastUpdate  1591177988 872000>
    <XRefSrcElemNonUniqueId `'>
    <XRefAltText `'>
     <XRefClientName `'>
     <XRefClientType `'>
    > # end of XRefApiClient
    <Unique 998449>
   > # end of XRef
   <String ` Refer to“'>
   <String `Para 2.'>
   <String `” <{Emphasis}\> page -1 : 1 '>
   <XRefEnd >

Thus, the mentioned Strings are merged on writing back a translation and the look and feel of the document is changed.

For more details please refer to the attached document.

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