
Clone wiki

Okapi / Consultancy

The companies or individuals listed below offer consultancy services related to using the Okapi Framework.

Andrä AG

The Andrä AG team has many years of experience in using, integrating and customizing Okapi for the various requirements of our clients. We've fully integrated Okapi with our own Online Translation Management Framework ONTRAM. Additionally we support the Okapi Open Source community process and have contributed most of the high-scalable and enterprise-ready Longhorn web service component to the Okapi project. Our customers use Okapi to fully automate processing and normalizing large amounts of localization material. The Andrä AG team can help you integrating Okapi into your software landscape, customizing filters and framework for your specific needs and offers consultancy services to optimize your translation processes

For more information and contact:

Spartan Software, Inc.

Spartan Software is a software engineering consultancy based in San Francisco, CA. We specialize in systems integration of localization and process management systems, including custom development of filters, pipeline steps, and other Okapi components. We also have experience developing and integrating with Ontram, WorldServer, and GlobalSight.

For more information, contact

Kuro Kurosaka d.b.a. Black Hills Laboratories

Kuro has been active in Okapi development since 2017, especially in development of the Markdown Filter. He has decades of experience in internationalization, Unicode, and localization. He is based in Berkeley, California, U.S.A. and he can be reached at
