Dropped segments when translate="no" is set

Issue #1 resolved
ysavourel created an issue

From: https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/OmegaT/conversations/messages/34977

Using OmegaT 3.4 with the Okapi plug-in 0.26 snapshot on MS Windows 7 / JRE 1.8, as well as on openSUSE Linux 12.3 / JRE 1.8, I’ve encountered a problem when translating XLIFF files as follows.

Some segments in the files are locked having two attributes: translate="no" xml:space="preserve" in the trans-unit tag.

Such segments do not appear in the editor window and target documents do not contain them (well, I was reprimanded by a client for that). This problem is present when I enable the Okapi XLIFF filter for handling files (including the latest build of the plugin downloaded today), when I switch to OmegaT’s own filter, the locked segments do appear in the target file.

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