Copy ID in comment only when asked

Issue #15 resolved
ysavourel created an issue

From Manuel:

It seems the translation unit's id is displayed in the comment pane in OmegaT when opening the XLIFF file with the Okapi XLIFF filter. For example, the following content

  <trans-unit id="SEAI-000107_scoringguide_paragraph7" approved="yes">
    <note>[irrelevant: repeats information in the stem]</note>
    <source xml:lang="en-GB">It was a birthday gift. </source>

produces the following display in the Comment pane (where the Key and the name display in the id, and there's a note between them):

Key: SEAI-000107_scoringguide_paragraph7_0 Comment: [irrelevant: repeats information in the stem] name = SEAI-000107_scoringguide_paragraph7 Is there any way to avoid this? i.e. is it possible to not display the Key and the name in the comment pane?

I would like to have only the comment, if there's a note in the translation unit, or empty, if there's none.

Comments (4)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    New class 'TransUnitOptions' for use with filters that do not already have options. XLIFF2Filter now includes <notes> in 'processComments'. Resolving issue #15.

    → <<cset 6fc1613dd87b>>

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