[GITLAB MIGRATION] Test User migration to GitLab

Issue #41 new
Mihai Nita created an issue
  1. To make sure the issues reports, issue assignments, and all contributions are properly mapped to you make sure to

carefully follow the instructions here: “Requirements for user-mapped contributions”

  1. Create a comment here

We can coordinate things by email, but the idea is that when all (most?) of you said “I’ve updated my settings” I can do an import of this project (which is smaller, so it’s faster to update) and check that users are mapped correctly.

You can also create and issue (also in this project), so that we can check creators are preserved (I don’t see a reason not to, if the comments are preserved, but who knows). If you do, add this to the subject: [GITLAB MIGRATION] (to make it easier to find and also to remove later)

Thank you,


Comments (10)

  1. Denis Konovalyenko

    Mihai, thank you for your reminder! My Bitbucket and GitLab accounts were connected successfully.

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