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XLIFF Toolkit / Creating

Creating a Document

<Table of Content>

Here is an example of creating a document using the XLIFFWriter class:

try ( XLIFFWriter writer = new XLIFFWriter() ) {
    // Create a new document (with English as the source language)
    writer.create(new File("myDocument1.xlf"), "en");
    // Create a unit
    Unit unit = new Unit("u1");
    // Add a segment and get the source content
    Fragment content = unit.appendSegment().getSource();
    content.append("Hello ");
    content.openCodeSpan("1", "<B>");
    content.closeCodeSpan("1", "</B>");
    // Write the unit
    // Enclosing elements are created with defaults if you don't write
    // them explicitly
    // If you forget to write the ends of elements, close() will do it.
    // And if you use a try-with-resources like here it will call close() for you.

A few things to remember:

  • Use try-with-resources or do not forget to call close() to avoid resource leaks.
  • Do not forget to specify a target language if you have any target content.

The code above produces the following XLIFF document:

<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" version="2.0" srcLang="en">
 <file id="f1">
  <unit id="u1">
    <data id="d1">&lt;B></data>
    <data id="d2">&lt;/B></data>
    <source>Hello <pc id="1" dataRefEnd="d2" dataRefStart="d1">World</pc>!</source>

Once your document is created you can easily read it back, update it and write it back.
