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Fantom / Home


Fantom is an implementation of a generalized version of the board game Scotland Yard.

This implementation is designed specifically as a test-bed for AI research. It does not have any GUI, but there is a simple text-based communication protocol and a Java library for easy development of agents solving the game.

Quick Start


Java SE 1.6
Apache Ant

Building and Running Fantom

1. Download the source code:

> hg clone
> cd fantom

2. Build the source code:

> ant build

3. Run the game:

> ./ data/prague.graph 100 "test-run" \
           java -cp bin  cz.matfyz.aai.fantom.clients.RandomClient PHANTOM ";" \
           java -cp bin cz.matfyz.aai.fantom.clients.RandomClient DETECTIVE

4. Read the documentation to learn how to implement your own agent

> less doc/programming-guide.txt
> less doc/communication-protocol.txt
