
Clone wiki

Module_Onestop_Layouts / Installation


Getting the code

The Onestop Layouts module is not yet available on the Orchard gallery. For the moment, installation must be done by cloning the repository into a src/Orchard.Web/Modules/Onestop.Layouts directory of your Orchard instance:


git clone --branch master --recursive ssh:// C:\Projects\Orchard\src\Orchard.Web\Modules\Onestop.Layouts

Then add the project to the solution, under the Modules solution folder:

Adding the project to the solution's Modules folder

Navigate to src/Orchard.Web/Modules/Onestop.Layouts, select the Onestop.Layouts.csproj file, then click "Open":

Adding the project to the solution's Modules folder

Build the solution, then launch the web site and go to /admin. Go to the Modules section, search for Onestop Layouts and enable it.

Once this is done, you should see two new admin menu entries for "Layouts" and "Templates":

The new menu entries

After installation

Once the module has been installed, it is still necessary to create or edit content types so they start using the new TemplatedItemPart content part.

Once such a type, or several of them, exist, you will need to create layouts, then build templates on top of them, and finally start creating templated content items.

For the new templated content to show correctly on the front end, you'll need to tweak for the templated content type(s), and to add some minimal grid CSS to your theme's stylesheet.

See "getting started" for examples of placement and CSS.
