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data2l / help-api

API Interfaces Description

Python DOM interfaces

Common methods for Void, Basic, Struct, Array, Alternative

  • Init() - Initializes and loads a structure. Init is caller recurrently for all sub-elements.

  • getValue() - returns the value of specific element.

Array methods

  • loadIndex(idx) - Loads structure at specified index structure. loadIndex changes the "state" of DOM instance.

  • getElementAt(idx) - if has a in_memory set. Returns tuple of array substructures on a specified index.

Example of python DOM access

import DOM
import Reader
import Writer
import Definition

compiled_def = Definition.load_and_compile("../file_defs/")

# Create empty DOM structure of the address book file format.
addressBook = DOM.DOMStruct( Reader.ReaderA("addressbook.dat"), compiled_def.dep_root , None)

# dot notation reflects the tree structure of AddressBook Definition
print addressBook.AddressArray.AddrRec.Name.getValue()

addressBook.AddressArray.loadIndex(1) #DOM state is changed 
print addressBook.AddressArray.AddrRec.Name.getValue()

Python SAX

Example of python SAX access

\ import DOM import SAX import Reader import Writer import Definition

class SaxCallback(SAX.SAXHandler):
    def beginElement(self, dom_element):
        print "beginElement " + str(dom_element)

    def endElement(self, dom_element):
        print "endElement " + str(dom_element) +  " " + str(dom_element.getValue())

compiled_def = Definition.load_and_compile("../file_defs/")
addressBook = DOM.DOMStruct( Reader.ReaderA("addressbook.dat"), compiled_def.dep_root , None)
parser = SAX.SAXParser(addressBook, skip_simple = True)
