Move 3.2. Trust Chain before Entity Statements

Issue #1656 resolved
Torsten Lodderstedt created an issue

Section 3.2. explains concept required to understand section 3.1

Comments (8)

  1. Giuseppe De Marco

    It would be also for metadata policy and trust Marks, introduced in section 3.1

    The statement Is a basic component of the trust chain. Even if we move section 3.2 to 3.1 we'll have to do the same consideration for the entity statements introduced in the trust chain section.

    I'm ok moving 3.2 to 3.1 but if we decide this we should do some editorials in the current trust chain section

  2. Michael Jones

    The editors will review 3.1 and 3.2 for readability and approachability. Possibly more cross-references would help.

  3. Michael Jones
    • changed status to open

    As discussed during the 6-Oct-22 working group call, possibly more cross-references would help.

  4. Giuseppe De Marco

    With the following PR I’m proposing an important review of the introductionary sections

    My assumptions are:

    • Both Entity Statement and Trust Chain are defined terms, so I don’t see any requirement to cross reference them.
    • The Section 2. Overall Architecture introduces the components of entity statements and trust chain, with cross references to their section. I pushed some more references in the PR regarding excplicit client registration and authority_hints.
    • We then have section 3.1 (entity statement) and 3.2 (trust chain). It does not matter if one comes before the other, considering that Section 2 is the one that offers the vision of the components and how they are assembled for the purposes of the specification (statements and chain)
    • I tried to simplify the introductionary text with the editorial challenge (definitely beyond my abilities) of minimizing the complexity that a reader may encounter during the first reading. Federation is complex but the introductory text doesn't have to be (this is also linked to the issue #1565)

    Please consider that PR available for any other cross-reference or editorial improvements for the introductionary sections

  5. Michael Jones

    We discussed whether to reverse the section order during the 11-Nov-22 Federation Editors' call. The conclusion was that we’d create more confusion than we’d solve if we were to reverse the order. Instead, we’ve added cross references when the terms are used.

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