Discovery - 4.2 user_info_schemas_supported (Normative)

Issue #233 resolved
Casper Biering created an issue

Since the userinfo endpoint supports multiple schemas, it would be useful to have a list at the provider configuration.

Comments (5)

  1. Nat Sakimura

    UserInfo endpoint supports only "openid". schema is limited to be used for existing implementation. This specification does not support anything other than "openid".

    Perhaps adding clarifying text would be nice, but unless we have text provided by somebody, it will stay as is.

  2. Casper Biering reporter
    • changed status to open

    The schema definition in Messages 3.3.1 says:

    "REQUIRED. The schema in which the data is be returned. The default value is openid. If the value of this parameter is omitted, or not openid, the response may be a proprietary schema to support backwards compatibility. A URL MAY be passed to define custom schemes not specified by short names. Custom schema names and responses are out of scope for this specification."

    If UserInfo Endpoint is not supposed to support alternative schema's other than "old" proprietary schemas (why?), I then suggest to remove the sentences that is causing the confusion:

    "A URL MAY be passed to define custom schemes not specified by short names. Custom schema names and responses are out of scope for this specification."

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