Registration 4.1 redirect_uri should REQUIRED rather than OPTIONAL

Issue #300 resolved
Nov Matake created an issue

OAuth 2.0 (draft 22) required redirect_uri registration for public clients and confidential clients which utilize implicit flow.

So Connect also should require redirect_uri at dynamic client registration. It can be still OPTIONAL for confidential clients which won't utilize implicit flow though.

Comments (6)

  1. John Bradley
    • changed status to open

    The reason this was optional is for clients that use other flows or post message.

    A public client needs to register js_origin_uri or redirect_uri

    It is optional for the code flow.

    I don't think making it REQUIRED for everything is correct.

  2. Nov Matake reporter

    OK, so "either redirect_uri or js_origin_uri is REQURED"? I got only "type" and "contact" from a RP last week, and I had no idea what should happen in that case..

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