Basic, Messages - address Claim underspecified

Issue #317 resolved
Michael Jones created an issue

This is WAY under specified. I suggest you point to a different section in the spec where you define each of these fields, their type, their syntax, etc.

Comments (3)

  1. Nat Sakimura


    Their type is specified as string. It is almost impossible to define the universal syntax for address that holds for every country. Did you know that Japan nor Kenya has no street_address? Actually, many Japanese road has no name / identifier associated with it.

    Japanese postal address system is generally speaking (means there are exceptions)

    Country - Prefecture - City - Sub-area - SubsubArea - SubsubsubArea - ...

    As to the structure within the member is concerned, take an example in postal code. In US, it is numeric. In Canada, it is alpha-numeric 6 chars. In Japan, it is 3 digits + '-' + 4 digits. In Kenya, there is no postal code. etc.

    Thus we cannot define the format either.

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