Messages - 1.3 Connect activity sequence

Issue #424 resolved
hideki nara created an issue

If the sequence is ordered in time, the following is better for new comers:

# The Client sends a request to the Authorization Server's End-User Authorization Endpoint. # The Authorization Server authenticates the End-User and obtains appropriate authorization. # The Authorization Server responds with an Access Token, an Id Token, and a few other variables. # Optionally, the Client sends a request with the ID Token to the Authorization Server's Check ID Endpoint. # Optionally, the Check ID Endpoint responds with authentication information pertaining to the supplied ID Token. # The Client sends a request with the Access Token to the UserInfo Endpoint. # UserInfo Endpoint returns the additional End-User information supported by the Resource Server.

Also, for new comers who has never known about "ID Token",

  • The Client provides a security context of the End-User based on the ID Token.

kinda statement can be inserted before 6.

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