Basic 2.2.1, Messages 2.1.2 - Embedded display limitations not clear (editorial)

Issue #514 resolved
Michael Jones created an issue

The specs currently say about the embedded display value: "The Authorization Server SHOULD display authentication and consent UI consistent with the limitations of an embedded user-agent."

Yaron Goland points out that the spec doesn't say what these limitations are. It should probably give some description of what they are, so that this display value is cosistently actionable by implementers.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Jones reporter

    We need to document the intended effect on IdP behaviors to make this actionable. These are likely best practices.

    Limitations may include: small screen, limited color spectrum, no JavaScript support, limitations on total size of page.

    We should consult Breno and the Facbook folks for details since this was their invention.

  2. Michael Jones reporter

    Breno and Chuck pointed out that the main issue with embedded clients is the lack of navigation features, especially the lack of a Back button.

    Given that this is underspecified, the consensus was to drop this parameter value.

    Chuck also points out that this may be orthogonal to the other display characteristics.

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