Registration - 2.1: id_token/userinfo signed/encrypted response algs attribute key should be singular?

Issue #552 resolved
Nov Matake created an issue

Why these parameter keys are plural? * id_token_signed_response_algs * id_token_encrypted_response_algs * userinfo_signed_response_algs * userinfo_encrypted_response_algs

I'm reading these 2 client attributes are single values, not arrays. * id_token_signed_response_algs * userinfo_signed_response_algs

and these 2 are also single values of "JWE_alg%20JWE_enc". * userinfo_encrypted_response_algs * id_token_encrypted_response_algs

Comments (3)

  1. Roland Hedberg

    (Reply via

    I definitely would vote for all of them being arrays. I see absolutely no reason for the special 'space separated list' variant.

    -- Roland

    26 feb 2012 kl. 06:59 skrev Bitbucket:

  2. Michael Jones

    John will investigate and report back whether any of the plural idenfiers are actually signletons and not lists, and if so, we'll change those names.

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