Since OAuth provides no IANA registry for scope values, OpenID Connect shouldn’t try to use it

Issue #558 resolved
Brian Campbell created an issue

§10.1.1 of Standard -08 has an IANA registry request for the scope values, openid, profile, email, address, and phone. However, oauth-v2 does not establish, as far as I can tell, a registry for scope values - only for token types, parameters, response types and extension errors.

Perhaps this raises the question of if OAuth2 should establish some registry for scope values or otherwise provide some guidance on avoiding name collisions when using specific scope values in derivative specification? It doesn't provide much now, "The [scope] strings are defined by the authorization server" seems to be the extent of it. Anyway, the way I read it currently, the registration request in §10.1.1 is either illegal or meaningless.

Seems like, at a minimum though, OpenID Connect shouldn’t try to use a non-existent registry.

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