Messages - 2.1.1 Last Paragraph - id_token

Issue #651 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

Currently it is:

{{{ id_token OPTIONAL. An ID Token passed to the Authorization server as a hint about the user's current or past authenticated session with the client. This SHOULD be present if prompt=none is sent. }}}


{{{ id_token OPTIONAL. An ID Token passed to the Authorization server as a hint about the user's current or past authenticated session with the client. This SHOULD be present if prompt=none is sent. If the id_token received by the RP was signed and encrypted using the Client's public key, then the Client MUST decrypt and use the signed id_token as the value of this member. }}}

Comments (4)

  1. John Bradley


    id_token OPTIONAL. An ID Token passed to the Authorization server as a hint about the user's current or past authenticated session with the client. This SHOULD be present if prompt=none is sent. The value is a JWS encoded ID token as signed by the issuer, the JWS may be JWE encrypted by the public key of the issuer for additional confidentiality. If the id_token received by the RP was encrypted, the Client MUST decrypt the signed id_token (JWS).

    The token could be symmetrically encrypted so I changed it to always decrypt, and send the JWE as signed by the issuer, allowing it to be encrypted as a JWE with the public key of the issuer independent of it having been received as a JWE.

    I think that is the correct thing.

  2. Michael Jones

    If sent encrypted to the OP, it will need to reencrypted to the OP's public key. Whether to do so is up to the client.

  3. Nat Sakimura reporter

    New Proposal based on the feedback above:

    OPTIONAL. An ID Token passed to the Authorization server as a hint about the user's current or past authenticated session with the client. This SHOULD be present if prompt=none is sent. The value is a JWS encoded ID token as signed by the issuer, the JWS may be JWE encrypted by the public key of the issuer for additional confidentiality. If the id_token received by the RP was encrypted, the Client MUST decrypt the signed id_token (JWS). The Client MAY re-encrypt using the key that the server is capable of decrypting. 
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