Basic 3.2.3 - user's authorization decision cannot be forced

Issue #68 resolved
Former user created an issue

Section 3.2.3 states that "Authorization Server MUST obtain an authorization decision". This cannot be enforced since users cannot be forced to take action, i.e all implementations will be non-compliant when a user does not respond to the authorization question (and closes their browser, for example).

Comments (3)

  1. Nat Sakimura

    In Basic, this section is just informative and not something to be implemented by the client. Thus, remove the normative language like 'MUST'.

    In Messages, describe it as follows

    Case no-previous login/consent => MUST attempt to show Login/Consent screen. 
    Case prompt=login / consent => ditto
    Case display=none => Do not show the Login/Conset screen. 
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