Messages - 2.4 Maybe better to write down the scope values to request object mapping

Issue #710 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

profile etc. are shorthand for the set of claims in the JSON within the request object.

Perhaps it may be a good idea to show the mapping. e.g.,

"openid profile" maps to

    "name": null,
    "family_name": null, 
    "given_name": null, 
    "middle_name": null, 
    "nickname": null,
    "profile": null, 
    "picture": null, 

Comments (4)

  1. Michael Jones

    Fixed #710 - Gave an example of how requesting Claims with scope values is equivalent to requesting them with the "claims" request parameter. Added the "claims_parameter_supported" discovery parameter.

    → <<cset 9cd555494adc>>

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