Registration 3.2 - Should Update be able to return an updated client_secret?

Issue #756 resolved
Michael Jones created an issue

Registration currently says "The Authorization Server MUST NOT include the Client Secret or Request Access Token in this response."

John, Vladimir and I believe that an udpated client_secret should be able to be returend. Justin disagreed

If we keep Update (see #755) I think we should allow an updated client_secret.

Comments (4)

  1. Brian Campbell

    Seems like an udpated client_secret should be able to be returned now that the rotate secret operation is gone.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    My argument was for keeping some kind of rotate_secret functionality. If there's some other way for the client to do that, then the client_secret, registration_access_token, and associated parameters probably MUST be returned along with everything else.

  3. Michael Jones reporter

    Placed on hold since this issue is about the Registration Client Update operation and we have removed that operation, per issue #755.

  4. Michael Jones reporter

    Fixed #755 - Removed client update operation. Fixed #751 - Added client read operation. Fixed #749 - Added "registration_access_url". Fixed #756 - State that an updated "client_secret" value can be returned by a read operation.

    → <<cset 62fea9ed07e0>>

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