Registration - Add 'request_uris' to the Registration request

Issue #773 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

This was the intended use pattern of the request uris/ request files, but Registration spec. missed it out.

Add 'request_uris' which is an array of requst_uri to the Registration request.

Registration response returns the mapping like:


The value MUST be a URI(?). It can be the same as the input (key). Use the value as the request_uri.

The URI can be at the client or other places such as TFP or the server itself.

Request files can be signed by the TFP/trust aggregator.

IdP MUST accept the registered request_uri.

IdP MAY accept unregistered request_uri which would allow truly dynamic.

Comments (2)

  1. Michael Jones

    We will register an array of request_uris with fragments containing the hash value of the content. The fragments would not be sent with requests. There will be no server reply with separate identifiers.

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