offline_access and "code token id_token"?

Issue #826 resolved
Brian Campbell created an issue has "MUST ignore the offline_access request if the Client is not requesting a response_type of code or code id_token. "

but what about "code token id_token"?

Might it be better to say something like 'ignore the offline_access request if the Client is not requesting a response_type that would result in a code being returned'?

Comments (4)

  1. gffletch

    +1 to Mike's wording. This is a much better way to say it.

    I think in the case where the response_type is "code token id_token", the access_token returned in the response from the /authorization endpoint would NOT contain the offline_access scope while the access token returned from the /token endpoint would. This is consistent with Mike's wording.

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