Discovery - URI grammar definition doesn't allow acct: scheme

Issue #856 resolved
Former user created an issue

The instructions as written in 2.1.1/2.1.2 don't actually allow for the acct: URI scheme. The acct: scheme is a non-heirarchical URI, which means it doesn't include the "//" component, and the text currently states:

    a URI either in the form of scheme "://" authority path-abempty [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] or authority path-abempty [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ] per RFC 3986 [RFC3986]. 

I think this needs an errata published as the intent was more like:

    a URI in the form of scheme "://" authority path-abempty [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ], authority path-abempty [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ], **or scheme ":" userinfo "@" host** per RFC 3986 [RFC3986]. 

Comments (6)

  1. Michael Jones

    Fixed #856 - Updated normative text to clarify that no input normalization is performed when the input contains an explicit scheme such as "acct" that matches the RFC 3986 scheme ":" path-rootless syntax.

    → <<cset e4c39602bcd5>>

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