All - (ed) Add readers note in terminology how to read them in the main text

Issue #859 resolved
Nat Sakimura created an issue

People are reading the spec sloppily. An instruction to the readers as follows may help.

NOTE: TERMINOLGY FORMS A NORMATIVE PORTION OF THIS SPECIFICATION AND MUST BE FOLLOWED. All the capitalized words in the main text are defined words. e.g., Issuer Identifier. Whenever the reader encounters them, they MUST refer back to this section to find the definition.

Comments (3)

  1. Michael Jones

    Proposed slight rewrite to read more naturally:

    NOTE: The terminology definitions in this section are a normative portion of this specification, imposing requirements upon implementations. All the capitalized words in the text of this specification, such as “Issuer Identifier”, reference these defined terms. Whenever the reader encounters them, their definitions found in this section must be followed.

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